World of warships azur lane collection
World of warships azur lane collection

world of warships azur lane collection

If WG don't realize they the event than I guess we'll have to wait till next year and HOPE they don't it up again like they did this year. Meant to rant about WG and how they the Azur event. My bad, didn't mean to rant about WoT and its horrible system. Always have sense they made gold ammo cost Silver so its spammed like its water now across all tiers, even tier 1. I realize I am currently trash talking WG as a whole and I play very sporadically myself between WoWs and WoT. With any luck WG will realize they up this year and allow us to buy the individual girls near end of event so they can actually get money from the normal players who keep their game popular instead of only targeting the whales who play the game very little and usually trash talk it.

world of warships azur lane collection

And if I had 100$ to drop would only get 1 girl I care about and a bunch of Premium ships I'd either sell or let gather dust to never be played because I do not care about them. Gotta drop either 100$ or 125$ to get the couple shipgirls I actually give 2 about. I was planning to spend up to 50$ to buy maybe 2 or 3 girls, but nah. Talk about scummy for WG to do, I mean I know they've done several scummy things in the past like releasing the same overpowered T5 ship 3 times as premiums under different names. Here I was looking forward to next AL crossover sense I missed last year, hoping to buy a shipgirl as did with Hipper way back.īut nah, WG goes full EA/Activision and makes you either gamble for the chance to get a shipgirl or pay an obese amount to get all the shipgirls or several in a bundle.

World of warships azur lane collection